Lennar Homes

Branding, Web Dev, Video Production, Photography, Signage, Events, Ad Campaign, Merchandise


Blackfin Boats

Scope of Work

Web Dev
Video Production
Ad Campaign

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Well-Built Creative
and lead generation


Peak Seven Agency embarked on an exhilarating partnership with Lennar Homes, South Florida’s leading new home builder, to enhance their marketing efforts and generate a surge in qualified leads for their various communities.


Through a combination of creative strategies and impactful digital marketing initiatives, we successfully achieved this goal. Our agency leveraged its expertise in market analysis and consumer insights to craft tailored campaigns that resonated with the target audience. By showcasing the unique features, superior craftsmanship, and desirable amenities offered by Lennar Homes, we created compelling narratives that captivated potential homebuyers. Our digital marketing efforts targeted specific demographics, utilizing data-driven tactics to optimize reach and engagement. Through strategic content creation, interactive experiences, and effective lead generation techniques, we successfully increased the quantity and quality of leads for Lennar Homes’ South Florida communities.


We brought in one of Miami’s most award-winning videographers/lifestyle directors to help capture the vibe, as well as hyper-lapse specialists and trained FPV drone operators.  The result is a whole new library of high-impact media that was used across the client’s channels for all of 2021. We also rewrote and redesigned the website from scratch, creating all-new messaging, graphics and interactive experiences designed to inspire curiosity and drive qualified leads.


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